Microsoft Office Word

Acquire knowledge on Microsoft Office Word and earn a Certificate from the Professional Training Division of Unicaf University.

Offered by:
Unicaf University
Microsoft Office Word

This course teaches the student how to use Microsoft Office Word effectively in your professional and personal life, to create neat and professional looking documents. This course takes the student through a comprehensive understanding of the most popular Word processing tools in the market. Even experienced Word users you will be amazed with the techniques taught within the course. It focuses on teaching how to create, edit and save a document and at the same time how to create and edit tables, graphs and charts. Another lesson to learn is how to use many other advanced features, such as mail merge and proofing tools. The student at the end of the course gains the confidence and strength of using Word in a productive and efficient manner.

The course consists of one multiple choice quiz carrying a weight of 100% towards the final course grade. In order to successfully complete the course and obtain your certificate you need to achieve an overall grade of 50% or above at the quiz.

What will I learn?

The course incorporates all the newest features of Word, and will also train you in WordArt, for different styles of fonts and typographic arrangements, as well as in text flow, from one text box to another in the same document.


WEEK 1: Operating a document

This week covers how to work with Microsoft Word 2016. 

WEEK 2: Text Formatting

This week covers different ways that you can use to format your text in Microsoft Word 2016.

WEEK 3: Email merging and printing

This week covers mail merge procedure, how to prepare outputs and how to print documents.

WEEK 4: Final Quiz

This section is dedicated to your Course Evaluation.

Microsoft Office Word
Language: English
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