JavaScript Programming Language

Learn a new scripting language and earn a Certificate from the Professional Training Division of Unicaf University.


Offered by:
Unicaf University
Voucher Applicable
JavaScript Programming Language

JavaScript is one of the most basic programming languages and is responsible for everything the user sees online. JavaScript allows to the developer to implement complex tasks on webpages that transform them from static to dynamic, and add any kind of interaction between the user and the website. Using JavaScript, the student will be able to display timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, and scroll video jukeboxes and many other elements to webpages.  As JavaScript is a necessary language for writing beginners, we’ve gathered a number of the simplest learning resources around and engineered a JavaScript course to assist new developers.

This course is designed for students that have basic HTML and CSS knowledge.

There are three multiple choice quizzes in this course each carrying an equal weight towards the final course grade. In order to successfully complete the course and obtain your certificate you need to achieve an overall grade of 50% or above at the quizzes.

What will I learn?

Find out how to make Dynamic and Interactive web content by applying JavaScript. JavaScript short course covers a variety of core basic ideas like variables, assortments, objects, functions, terms, restrictions, Document Object Model Basics and a lot more.

Weekly Content: 

WEEK 1: JavaScript syntax, variables and if statement

This week covers the steps to create your first javascript code,data types, global and local variables and if statement.

WEEK 2: JavaScript loop, function, objects and maths

This week covers loops in javascript, functions, objects and some math methods like sqrt.

WEEK 3: Window Objects, get elements, form validation

This week covers window objects like alert, get element methods like getElementById, and form validation like email validation.

WEEK 4: Array and String

This week covers  how to create array and what methods you can use. Also covers strings in javascript and what methods exists for strings. 

WEEK 5: JavaScript Date Objects and dom

This week covers date objects and date methods which can be used  and DOM events  which connects web pages to scripts.

WEEK 6: JavaScript Number, continue and break

This week covers how numbers are represented in javascript, what numbers methods exists and continue and break statement.

WEEK 7: Final Review

This section is dedicated for your revision that will help you study and prepare for your last quiz of this course. 

WEEK 8: Course evaluation and assessment  

This section is dedicated to your Course Evaluation. It contains the three quizzes you need to take in order to pass the course and obtain your certificate.


JavaScript Programming Language
Language: English
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