French is the international language of haute cuisine, fashion, the arts and architecture. Parler French and access the great masters in literature as well as those famous films and songs that we all know so well; French is the language of Victor Hugo, Molière, Edith Piaf, Jean-Paul Sartre, Johnny Hallyday and Alain Delon.After English and German, French is the third most used language on the Internet, ahead of Spanish, and, along with English, is the only language spoken across five continents. This beautiful, romantic language has a massive influence in the world of fashion, arts, music, sport and food.As the world's number-one tourist destination with more than 70 million visitors a year, France is a must for your travel list. Bon voyage, everyone!
Course Content
- On the Phone
- On the Phone to a Company
- Leaving a Phone Message
- Please Call Me Back
- Calling Customer Service
- Problems on the Phone
- What Do You Do?
- What Do You Do For A Living?
- Introducing Colleagues
- Introducing Your Company
- Talking About Your Products
- Delivery of Products
- Payment Terms
- Negotiation of the Sale
- Contracts and Agreements
- Discussing a Reseller Agreement
- Discussing a Distribution Agreement
- Marketing
- Marketing Your Brand
- Launching Your Product
- Market Research
- Advertising Your Product
- E-Commerce and Online Marketing
- Marketing to Online Customers
- Meetings
- Setting Up a Meeting Time
- Setting Up a Meeting Place
- Rearranging Meetings
- Preparing for Meetings
- Meeting at Trade Shows
- Traveling Overseas on Business
- At the airport
- Taking The Train
- At The Hotel
- Going By Taxi
- Going By Bus or Train
- The Hotel Part 1 Check-In
- The Hotel Part 2 Rooms
- The Hotel Part 3 Questions
- The Hotel Part 4 More Questions
- The Hotel Part 5 Checkout
- Hiring a car
- Where is the Nearest Bank?
- At The Bank
- Online Banking
- Stocks and Shares
- Internet Access
- Working Online
- Online Security
A participation certificate will be issued upon completion of the course.